We are open for business as usual, and can arrange meetings by video
conferencing for the safety and convenience of our clients
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Contact Us

For advice on Immigration, Extradition, Criminal, Civil, Commercial, Family or Human Rights Law please contact us now.

Coronavirus Update

This is an update on Extradition Law Firm’s position regarding the impact of the Covid-19 virus.

The safety and well-being of our staff and clients is, and always has been, our top priority.

As a result of the Covid-19 virus all Extradition Law Firm’s staff are now working remotely, our office telephone number is in use however we recommend that  individuals are contacted on the mobile numbers which are  provided in their emails.  Other than where absolutely necessary  please ensure that all correspondence is sent by email, as hard copy post may take longer to reach individuals.

We have business continuity plans in place to continue servicing our clients’ needs to a consistently high standard. We have made a decision to undertake all client meetings virtually rather than in-person.

If, at any time, you need to speak with English-speaking lawyer at Extradition Law Firm, please contact us as you normally would.

Thank you for your continued support.